Thursday 24 April 2014



Still with 531. For some reason, doing OHPs before bench helps with my bench. I am also doing fasted workouts in the morning, aiming for 250 caloric burn in each session.

New accessory workouts:

Zercher squat
Leg extensions
Split squat

Hip thrust
Glute kickbacks

Tbar Row
Cable Row
Kroc Row


I will try and do SKD until we leave for vacation. My weight loss has stalled pretty bad. 

I feel really fat right now

..well no, not really. I don't feel bloated anymore, and I actually feel "lightweight". Then why does the scale say otherwise? I picked up an old habit of weighing myself every day. This was probably brought about by the fact I signed up for a mock meet. It didn't have a 148 weight class (next is 158) so I figured I sign up for the 138 one. I mean, 10 lbs is easy to lose. Right? Well from what I'm going through right now I'm kinda starting to realize I'm wrong. The first few months of keto last year worked really slow for me but I didn't really feel any pressure, I just enjoyed the food choices the diet has offered me. Plus working in a fastfood restaurant for 5 months probably helped with the weight loss too (on my feet running around for 8 hours 5 days a week). Then when I quit the job…the pounds came back too. So clearly, calories in < calories out, right? I don’t know anymore.

I think I’m in an okay shape as far as my fitness goals go. My lifts are progressing, which is the point of powerlifting, I can do 3 rounds of jumprope…or maybe I’m just trying to justify a reason to not try to lose weight.  I really don’t know anymore. I DO know that I’ll be on vacation for 2 months, coming back 2 weeks before the mock meet. Ha! Projected weight loss in the keto calculator is promising 134 lbs by July 9.  We’ll see. Okay, rant over. 

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Tuesday 15 April 2014

New macros

I think I'm retaining water for some reason (or I'm simply not losing weight, which I should, based on numbers). I am saying I am retaining water because my body fat % keeps on fluctuating while my weight doesn't.

So my plan of action is keep on doing Keto, but increase my calorie intake and do fasted workouts. I really need to get rid of this water before my vacay, because my increase in carb consumption will really make me gain fat if I don't.

So my current nutrient caloric and macro goals:

1,801 calories (25% deficit)
139g Fat
107g Protein
30g Carbs

Macro goals for refeed:

2,419 calories (0 % deficit)
392g Carbs
107g Protein
47g fat

My current caloric burn:
Fasted: 300 calories = 2,100 calories/week
Non-Fasted: 700 calories = 4,200 calories/week

Wednesday 9 April 2014



Coming from Smolov jr for my Squat and Bench, I've decided to somehow apply the same frequency for 5/3/1. There are templates from the book similar to this frequency but with less intensity. I will still take advantage of my noob gains and higher chance of recovery from workouts. My progress for 5/3/1 has been very slow and from a beginner's mindset this is frustrating. I will try and do more accessory workouts, but I think I will stick to Boring but Big because other workouts bore the shit out of me. There will be no deload weeks until I do the mock meet 20 weeks out from my first meet.


I've had so much fun with the Keto Diet which is why I've decided to stick with it - only this time I will do Cyclical Keto Diet by the book. I still cannot see myself doing Straight Keto Diet because it will most probably result into bingeing. I will refeed every Saturday. 


Oddly enough, it is Wednesday. I always feel like everything should start on a Monday but I really don't want to take more days off so I'll just start the workout program on Wednesdays. I'm pretty sure I can adjust this in the future. 

APR 8 - 18

WED  - OHP and Bench || Keto Day 1 80/20
THURS - Squat and Deadlift || Keto Day 2 80/20
FRI -  OHP and Bench || Keto Day 3 65/35/5
SAT - REST || Keto Day 4 65/35/5

SUN - SQUAT|| Refeed
MON - DEADLIFT || Keto Day 1 65/35/5
TUES - OHP and BENCH || Keto Day 2 65/35/5

WED - SQUAT || Keto Day 3 65/35/5
THURS - OHP and BENCH || Keto Day 4 65/35/5
FRI - DEADLIFT and Depletion Workout || Refeed

End of Cycle 8