Tuesday 15 April 2014

New macros

I think I'm retaining water for some reason (or I'm simply not losing weight, which I should, based on numbers). I am saying I am retaining water because my body fat % keeps on fluctuating while my weight doesn't.

So my plan of action is keep on doing Keto, but increase my calorie intake and do fasted workouts. I really need to get rid of this water before my vacay, because my increase in carb consumption will really make me gain fat if I don't.

So my current nutrient caloric and macro goals:

1,801 calories (25% deficit)
139g Fat
107g Protein
30g Carbs

Macro goals for refeed:

2,419 calories (0 % deficit)
392g Carbs
107g Protein
47g fat

My current caloric burn:
Fasted: 300 calories = 2,100 calories/week
Non-Fasted: 700 calories = 4,200 calories/week

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